
- 25.09.2022: 4th EADMT Conference in Potsdam

How far is far? How close is close? Choreographing a new world

The European Association of Dance Movement Therapy (EADMT) and the German Association of Dance Therapy (BTD) would like to welcome you to the 4th EADMT conference "How far is far? How close is close? Choreographing a new world".

We are most proud of this collaboration and we hope to present a program filled with inspiration and lots of possibilities for connection and exchange.

The schedule mirrors the knowledge and expertise of DMT practitioners and researchers from around the world.

The first European DMT conference took place in Berlin in 1994 and it was a rich and fruitful moment that started the process of constitution of the EADMT. We come back this year with the reality of 29 member countries as witnesses of a European DMT identity-rich and complex and in becoming.

We are living in times that are testing us and that have represented an unprecedented challenge: first the pandemic with the shared experience of isolation and distance, and then the war that has raised many uncertainties. We hope that these experiences can be transformed into a stimulus to discover new ways of communication and that we can be present in proximity and distance.

This conference is a great opportunity to feel more united and supported across Europe and the world, to rediscover the value of deep connection and welcome the practice of DMT within the clinic setting and the social sphere.

We are grateful for the contributions from a variety of countries and the shared work of strengthening DMT in the world. Thank you to the keynote speakers, the presenters, the workshop leaders and all those who are sharing their knowledge and their work with us.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Potsdam!

Vincenzo Puxeddu, Indra Isabelle Djimjadi

Here you can download the registration form.

Registration form EADMT Conference 2022


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